Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
Many injection molding products in the process of processing will smell, users will feel uncomfortable, then how to avoid this situation in the injection process? Jinan Tongkang Mold Factory for your service.
1, strictly control the use of additives.
The tertiary amine catalyst used to produce polyurethane foam usually causes a very strong odor and moisture in the window of the car. We can find that instead of using polyols, the composition of polyols is not only polyurethane molecular chain, but also has the same catalytic activity. Some polyols can even replace half of tertiary amine catalyst. The smell of plastic products disappeared.
2. Use more pure resins.
Many plastics, especially polyvinyl chloride, styrene, ethyl acetate, acrylate, and other residual trace monomers, produce odors. Few monomer residues can be used to remove odors, and the best choice is odorless resin.
3. Pay attention to the use of adsorbents.
If a small amount of zeolite is added to the polymer, the odor of information can be removed. Zeolite crystals have a lot of fuzziness, and fuzzy can capture small molecules like gas.